We’re all going to make mistakes. They happen and you just have to pick yourself up, fix the problem and move on. Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t though? It would save us the embarrassment, the time it takes to fix the problem and would even prevent us from having to deal future repercussions.
Making no mistakes is highly unlikely, but there are ways to make fewer of them. One of the best ways is to learn from other’s mistakes.You can do this by critiquing your competitor’s websites, and monitoring their social media channels to see what customers are saying about them. What do you like or dislike about their website? Do you notice typos or grammar errors? These are both good reminders to quadruple check everything that you post on your own site. What are customers saying about navigation? Listen to them, and make adequate changes.
Avoiding common mistakes sounds simple, because it is. Taking the time to see what your competition is doing will both give you ideas, and help keep you on track. Remember, websites, including yours, are always changing, so critique them regularly. Over time, you’ll make fewer mistakes guaranteed.