User experience is the name of the game. It's the big thing for web-friendly endeavors and is often the difference between success and failure.
So what is it?
User experience, or UX, is kind of self-explanatory. Simply put, it gets to the... (Read More)
So, let's say you have a decent chunk of followers on Facebook, but your posts continue to experience little to no engagement. If you're wondering why you have hundreds or thousands of followers but only get a couple likes and maybe one comment on... (Read More)
Think back for a second. Remember when your company's website went live for the first time? If you're old enough to have been working at the time, you'll recall a mix of fear, excitement and relief when all that hard work finally came to fruition in... (Read More)
Is your business lost in a crowded marketplace? You may be overlooking something that could differentiate your business from all those other competitors: YOU. Personal branding can be a powerful marketing strategy for small businesses, allowing an... (Read More)
How does it feel when you realize you're being pitched something? Do you get a little twitchy and anxious to move on to something more meaningful and fulfilling when you see a clear attempt to sell you on a product? We all do.
With this in mind... (Read More)
There's a reason the members of creative departments in marketing agencies and corporations are called "creatives." They spend their days immersed in tasks that tap into their most creative ideas and turn them into reality. Similarly, web developers... (Read More)
Whether you're in your 20s or your 50s, crafting social media posts and other marketing messages for a Generation Z audience can be pretty complicated. As the first generation born and raised during the height of the Internet's popularity (whereas... (Read More)
What’s the secret to building your own business? The short answer is there is no magic bullet. Rather success (or failure) hinges on numerous factors.
You’ve done your homework, evaluated your own strengths and weaknesses and found the... (Read More)
First and foremost, when you design (or redesign) a website, you should be satisfied with the results. Part of making this happen requires a healthy back-and-forth with your web designer, and this means offering good, reasonable and constructive... (Read More)